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During the past eight years, a bright star has been rising on the firmament of science fiction/fantasy art. In this short period, Julie Bell has established herself as a force to be reckoned with, rubbing elbows with the top luminaries of the art world. Born in Beaumont, Texas, her art studies always centered around drawing, especially of the human figure. Her unique sense of color and dramatic composition puts her paintings in a class by themselves. Her, by now, legendary "metal flesh" has the fluency of water and the hardness of steel while maintaining the sensual softness of the skin. This magical effect has become her unmistakable trademark. A former competitive bodybuilder, Julie applies the same discipline and intensity to her art career. At the heart of her art is an element of empowerment and independence. Collections of her paintings have appeared in book form, calendars, posters, trading cards, and other products too numerous to mention.
